Figure 3. Left: 2D (r,Z) cuts of the PES (A,D,G) computed for the three molecular adsorption geometries. Contour lines separate 0.2 eV energy intervals, solid lines are used for E ≥ 0 eV and dashed lines for E < 0 eV. Circles indicate all the (first order) saddle points. The black circles represent the entrance channel barriers for molecular adsorption (Eent ) and the white circles are 2D saddle-points that are not real first order saddle-points in the 6D space (see text for details). Some details about the molecular adsorption geometries considered are reported as insets in the related plots. Right: top view (B, E, H) and side view (C, F, I) of the adsorption states. The 2D PES cuts are shown for the geometries bridge-hollow-tilted (A, B, C), hollow-parallel (D,E,F), and for top-vertical adsorption (G,H,I). The first layer atoms are shown in gray and the second layer atom closest to the molecule is shown in brown, the nitrogen atoms are shown in blue. The data used to interpolate these plot are in folder ../Tab04