** Reference to paper: J. Chem. Phys. 149, 044701 (2018) ** DOI: 10.1063/1.5039458 ** Title: CHD3 dissociation on Pt(111): A comparison of the reaction dynamics based on the PBE functional and on a specific reaction parameter functional ** Authors: Davide Migliorini, Helen Chadwick, and Geert-Jan Kroes ** Contact e-mail: d.migliorini@lic.leidenuniv.nl ** Abstract: We present a comparison of ab initio molecular dynamics calculations for CHD3 dissociation on Pt(111) using the Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE) functional and a specific reaction parameter (SRP) functional. Despite the two functionals predicting approximately the same activation barrier for the reaction, the calculations using the PBE functional consistently overestimate the experimentally determined dissociation probability, whereas the SRP functional reproduces the experimental values within a chemical accuracy (4.2 kJ/mol). We present evidence that suggests that this difference in reactivity can at least in part be attributed to the presence of a van der Waals well in the potential of the SRP functional which is absent from the PBE description. This leads to the CHD3 molecules being accelerated and spending less time near the surface for the trajectories run with the SRP functional, as well as more energy being transferred to the surface atoms. We suggest that both these factors reduce the reactivity observed in the SRP calculations compared to the PBE calculations. ** Description per file: - Manuscript.pdf is the paper in pdf (preprint format). - Sup_Mat.pdf is the published suppoting information. - The material is divided in directories corresponding to the various tables/figures in the paper. - AIMD contains the data to generate the AIMD initial conditions for the PBE functional. The files used for the SRP functional can be found in ../2017-JPCL-8-4177/AIMD/ N.B. all the calculations using a functional of the vdW-DF family need to be performed with an additional input file called vdw-kernel.bindat. If the file is missing VASP will compute it before starting the actual calculation but this can take a lot of time (even days)